
Titles and colour schemes

It's always really hard to find the right title for a film. I've re-worked the previous fake poster, changing the title and tweaking the colour scheme. If anyone looking at them has a prefered title or colour scheme then can you let me know? It would be most appreciated.

lucas. t


3rd Year film fake poster

Currently I'm trying to put a B-movie spin on my next film. To that end, I decided to put together a fake poster for the film in the style of a 1950s sci-fi poster. The title of the film comes courtesy of my good friend Luke Cecil.

Hope you like it!

lucas. t


New Film progression

With work slowing down a bit now I've found some time to further develop my idea for my next film. Here are some updated character designs, a concept for a possible colour style, and some ship designs. I hope you enjoy

Character Development

Ship Designs

Colour Concept

lucas. t